Written by: Briantara Revidinda Putra (15119008) “I am pleased to announce that you have been selected as a recipient of the French + Science Scholarship 2023,” says an email from Campus France only one day after my final interview. It was like a cream come true! The French + Science, or F+S, was a programme…
Read MoreWritten by: Hanif Satrio Dwiandoko (15119076) and Farras Hafizh Rizqy (15119071) Since the birth of Electronical Navigational Charts (ENC) in the early 1990s, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) released the S-57 standard as digital hydrographic data has become a critical element in ensuring safety in marine navigation. In response to the developments in the world…
Read MoreOn 20-21 March 2023, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Postgraduate Programme held an in-house software training called the “EIVA NaviSuite Training for Hydrographic Survey.” The training was held as part of the H6: Hydrographic Data Acquisition and Processing Module for the Category A Hydrographic Surveyor Programme, as required in the FIG/IHO/ICA S-5A Standards. The training was…
Read MoreWritten by: Zul Khoiron Nst (15118010) At the end of July 2022, Hydrographic Research Group of ITB in collaboration with the Physics Engineering Team of ITS carried out a community service in Gili and Bawean Islands, East Java. The community service was carried out as a form of participation of the two teams in helping…
Read MoreWritten by: Ana Iffah Sabila (15119056) & Raden Almafayra Z. F. (15120051) A 7.4 Mw earthquake occurred in The Flores Sea on 27 December 2021, followed by a 7 cm-high tsunami. According to BMKG, the earthquake happened in strike-slip mechanism. Meanwhile, from the existing fault maps in the Flores Sea, no strike-slip fault has been…
Read MoreWritten by: Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Students, Class of 2020 From 28 to 30 October 2022, we went to the Pramuka Island, in the Seribu Islands District, north of DKI Jakarta. We carried out a mandatory practical session for the GD3102 Hydrography I module. On the field, we had a pretty tight schedule for two…
Read MoreWritten by: Adi Prabowo Yudha Prajanto (15118055) “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain The quote…
Read MoreWritten by: Amalia Fadilla (15119072) On 8-28 August 2022, I was involved in the Widyatama Nusantara Expedition, initiated by the National Innovation and Research Agency (BRIN). The project invited five undergraduate students across the nation to participate in the expedition through a series of selection processes. The purpose of this expedition is to uncover the…
Read MoreThis July, the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung, will be celebrating the graduation of its undergraduate students. Among the 75 graduates, 31 of them conducted their research within the Hydrography Research Group. Here are the posters of their research. Click on the image to read each of them in full…
Read MoreOn Monday, 29 June 2020, we held an online talk show titled “Archipelagic States and Law of The Sea,” which was attended by over 200 participants. The talk show was held as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of higher education in geodesy and geomatics in Indonesia. The speakers were: Dr. Idris, S.H.,…
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