Miga Magenika Julian is an ongoing Doctoral Candidate at the University of Jena, Germany.
Contact: miga@gd.itb.ac.id / miga-magenika.julian@uni-jena.de / miga.m.julian@gmail.com
- M.T. – Masters in Geodetic Engineering, Joint Degree between Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, and Chiba University, Japan (2011)
- S.T. – Bachelor in Geodetic Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2008)
- Afriyanie, D., Julian, M. M., Riqqi, A., Akbar, R., Suroso, D.S., Kustiwan, I. (2020). Re-framing urban green spaces planning for flood protection through socio-ecological resilience in Bandung City, Indonesia. Cities, 101, 102710
- Julian, M.M., Brenning, A., Kralisch, S., Fink, M. (2019). Modelling of Hydrological Responses in the Upper Citarum Basin based on the Spatial Plan of West Java Province 2029 and Climate Change. International Journal of Technology, Volume 10(5), pp. 866-875
- Poerbandono, Julian, M.M., Ward, P.J. (2014). Assessment of the effects of climate and land cover changes on river discharge and sediment yield, and an adaptive spatial planning in the Jakarta region. Natural Hazards, Sept. 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp 507-530.
Conference Talks/Posters
- Wahyuono, R. A., Julian, M.M. (2018). Revisiting Renewable Energy Map in Indonesia: Seasonal Hydro and Solar Energy Potential for Rural Off-Grid Electrification (Provincial Level). MATEC Web of Conferences 164.