Dr. Poerbandono is …
Contact: poerbandono@itb.ac.id / poerbandono@gmail.com
- Ir. – Professional degree, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2019)
- Dr.rer.nat. – Doctor of Natural Sciences, Coastal Geosciences and Engineering, University of Kiel, Germany (2004) Predicate: Magna Cum Laude
- M.M. – Masters of Management, Technology Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1996)
- S.T. – Bachelor of Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1995)
- Category A Hydrographic Surveyor Honorary Brevet – Hyrographic and Oceanographic Office, Indonesian Navy (2013)
Board of Officials
- Director of Quality Assurance Office – Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Vice Secretary General – Indonesian Hydrographic Board
Industrial Involvements
- Hydrography and Metocean Expert – Provision of metocean study report for front end engineering design (FEED) Bromo Project, East Java, Indonesia. Intercsea Sdn. Bhd., Singapore (2020) Responsible for review and verification of field survey and modelling of FEED parameters.
- Metocean expert – Deep water metocean studies at Masela Block, Abadi Field, Arafuru Sea. Inpex Corporation, Indonesia (2018) Responsible for design, review, and verification of metocean studies.
- Metocean expert – Deployment and data communication of wave rider buoy for rig platform installation at Kepodang Field, Java Sea. McDermott/PETRONAS (2014) Responsible for supervisory work and securing deployment.
- Investigator – BMBF: Science for the protection of Indonesian coastal and marine ecosystem. Topic 6: Ocean Renewable Energy, Research and Technology Centre of Kiel University, Germany (2012-2014)
- Poerbandono, Gumilar, I., Sidiq, T.P. (2019) Hydrographic datum and GNSS heighting in the SW Java Sea, Indonesia: Comparison between observed and models of sea surface. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 389 012017. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/389/1/012017
- Poerbandono, Alodia, G. (2018) Survei Pencarian Bawah Laut. ISBN: 978-602-5417-21-4. Penerbit ITB. Bandung.
- Poerbandono (2018) Survei Hidroakustik. ISBN: 978-602-5417-99-3. Penerbit ITB. Bandung
- Poerbandono, Julian, M. M., Ward, P. J. 2014. Assessment of the effects of climate and land cover changes on river discharge and sediment yield, and an adaptive spatial planning in the Jakarta region. Journal of Natural Hazards 73(2), 507-530