Gabriella Alodia is a PhD graduate from the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Her primary interest is marine geophysical data acquisition and processing, ranging from sonar-based techniques (singlebeam and multibeam echosounder, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler) to potential field-based techniques (marine gravity and magnetic) for high seas and deep-sea geoscience research. During her PhD, she has developed a geomorphometric algorithm to automate crustal type classification, specifically at slow-spreading ridge environment. She has has also been involved as Early Career Scientist (specifically in geophysics) aboard international and national research cruises.
Contact: gabriella.alodia@itb.ac.id / gabriella.alodia@gmail.com
- Ph.D. – PhD in Marine Geophysics, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK (2021)
- M.Sc. – Masters in Hydrography (Category A Hydrographic Surveyor), ENSTA Bretagne, France (2015)
- M.Sc. – Masters in Marine Geophysics, IUEM-UBO, France (2015) Double degree with M.Sc. in Hydrography, ENSTA Bretagne
- S.T. – Bachelor in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2012)
Industrial Involvements
- Associate Expert – Tectonic studies for the provision of desktop study for Padang-Mentawai cable route. PT. BW Geohydromatics and PT. Telkom Infra (2018)
- Technical Support Intern – Inertial navigation system (INS) module for deep-water positioning system. Fugro Survey, B.V., Leidschendam, The Netherlands (2014)
Research Cruise/Fieldwork
- Onshore Researcher – Jalacitra II-2022 “Banda Expedition, Banda Sea, Indonesia (2022). Initiated by the Indonesian Navy’s Hydro-Oceanographic Centre (Pushidrosal).
- Onboard Researcher – Jalacitra I-2021 “Aurora” Expedition, Halmahera Sea, Indonesia (2021). Initiated by the Indonesian Navy’s Hydro-Oceanographic Centre (Pushidrosal). Cruise storymap: ihdc.pushidrosal.id
- Geophysicist – Scientific cruise to the Marion Rise, Southwest Indian Ocean (2019). Aboard R/V Thomas G. Thompson (TR365). PI: Henry Dick (hdick@whoi.edu). My participation is supported by InterRidge (interridge.org). Cruise website: marionrise.org
- Geophysicist – Scientific cruise to the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Ridge, Equatorial Pacific (2018). Aboard R/V Sally Ride (SR1806). PI: Emily Klein (ek4@duke.edu). My participation is supported by the University of Leeds. Cruise website: blogs.nicholas.duke.edu/cocosnazca/
- Investigator – Shallow sub-seafloor geological study at Karimata Strait, Java Sea (2016). Aboard MV Explora Nusantara. Collaboration between Amazoko Foundation (EU), Institut Teknologi Bandung, and PT. Mahakarya Geosurvey.
- Alodia, G., Green, C. M., & McCaig, A. M. (2022). SWE_of_Bathymetry. m: A geomorphometric tool to automate discrimination between detachment and magmatic seafloor at slow-spreading ridges from shipboard multibeam bathymetry. Computers & Geosciences, 166, 105177.
- Alodia, G., Muhammad, F., & Poerbandono. (2021). On the investigation of vertical uncertainty of depth sounding in a shallow environment with muddy seabed: Preliminary results from a launch operation of a dual-frequency echosounder. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 925, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
- Smith, D. K., Schouten, H., Parnell‐Turner, R., Klein, E. M., Cann, J., Dunham, C., Alodia, G., Blasco, I., Wernette, B., Zawadzki, D., Latypova, E., Afshar, S., and Curry, S. (2020). The Evolution of Seafloor Spreading Behind the Tip of the Westward Propagating Cocos‐Nazca Spreading Center. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 21(6) doi.org/10.1029/2020GC008957
- Poerbandono, Alodia, G. (2018) Survei Pencarian Bawah Laut. ISBN: 978-602-5417-21-4. Penerbit ITB. Bandung.
Conference Talks/Posters
- Alodia, G., Green, C., McCaig, A., and Paton, D. (2020). A novel approach for oceanic spreading terrain classification at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using Eigenvalues of high-resolution bathymetry. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 337).
- Dick, H.J., Zhou, H., Koepke, J., Tivey, M., Cheadle, M.J., Salters, V.J., Alodia, G., Bröcker, M., Brunelli, D., Chen, Q., Cheng, S., Clarke F., Doorn, C. J., Greene, J. A., Ji, F., Kruttasch, P., Li, H., Liu, C. Z., Liu, P., Mock, D., Newnes, S., Ma, Q., Roosen, E., Urann, B., Williams, T., Woelky, D., and Zhu, Q. (2019). Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise. AGUFM, 2019, pp.T13A-01.
- Tivey, M., Greene, J. A., Tominaga, M., Dick, H. J., Alodia, G., and Cheadle, M. J. (2019). Geophysical Investigation of the Marion Rise, Southwest Indian Ridge from the Discovery to Indomed Fracture Zones reveals vast exposures of mantle at the sea floor. AGUFM, 2019, T21D-0365.
- Smith, D.K., Klein, E.M., Schouten, H., Parnell-Turner, R., Cann, J.R., Dunham, C., Alodia, G., Blasco, I., Wernette, B.W., Zawadzki, D. and Latypova, E. (2018). Transition from rifting to seafloor spreading behind the tip of the westward propagating Cocos-Nazca spreading center. AGUFM, 2018, pp.V43G-0201.
- Wernette, B. W., Klein, E. M., Smith, D. K., Schouten, H., Parnell-Turner, R., Cann, J. R., Afshar, S., Alodia, G., and Latypova, E. (2018). Initial rifting to seafloor spreading: geochemical and petrologic variations in basalts from the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center. AGUFM, 2018, V43G-0202.
- Alodia, G., Green, C. M., McCaig, A. M., Paton, D., & Campbell, S. (2017). Gravity and Magnetic Signatures of Different Types of Spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. AGUFM, 2017, V51D-0393.
- Maia, M., Cadio, C., Alodia, G., & Metivier, L. (2015). Mantle Dynamics and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interaction in the South Atlantic from Space Gravity Data. AGUFM, 2015, DI51B-2630.