Fickrie Muhammad is an ongoing student at the Hydrographic Surveyor Category A Professional Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He is also a Doctoral Candidate at Geodesy and Geomatics Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Contact: fickrie@gd.itb.ac.id / fickrie.muhammad@yahoo.com
- M.Sc. – Masters in Geomatics, Hochschule Karlsruhe, Germany (2016)
- S.T. – Bachelor in Geodetic Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (2008)
Industrial Involvements
- Project Engineer – Design planning and monitoring of construction project across Albstadt, Starssberg, and Reuttlingen. Czerwenka Inginieurbüro, Albstadt, Germany (2016-2017)
- Researcher – Masters thesis project for indoor navigation development. Navigation Karlsruhe (NAVKA) Laboratory, Germany (2015-2016)
- Investigator – Bathymetric modelling from time series of multispectral satellite images using Google Earth Engine: Understanding error distribution by depth (2020). IcoDSA Telkom University.
- Investigator – Evaluation and software implementations in out-/indoor navigation based on visual odometry for mono cameras (2015-2016). An der Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft, Forschungsprojekt NAVKA. Link: http://navka.de/index.php/de/abschlussarbeiten-im-navka-projekt/abgeschlossene-abschlussarbeiten)